Copywriters and marketers have been after me for years to put out a copywriting course.
And now the time has finally arrived and I’m excited to announce…
My brand-new copywriting course: A-List Copywriting Secrets.
If you’re looking to write better copy – or get better copy from staff or freelancers – I know you’re going to love it.
It’s packed with 14 professionally produced video lessons, video breakdowns of 3 of my favorite promotions from my career, as well as an eye-opening interview where I reveal exactly how to transform your writing by becoming a copyTHINKER instead of merely a copywriter.
Plus, there’s a hefty spiral-bound workbook with transcripts, all the flip chart drawings from the lessons, exercises to sharpen your skills, and more.
And you’ll get two very special bonus presentations from A-list direct response designer Lori Haller, who will reveal how design alone can increase response, conversion and profits.
Best of all, for a limited time, I’m also going to include some very special and exclusive live calls where I’ll go over exercises from the course, answer questions, do copy critiques and hot seats, and talk about anything that can make copy more effective.
I don’t know how long I’ll be offering those calls as part of the course – they’re time-consuming and take a lot to pull off.
So if you’re interested in my course, you really want to act sooner rather than later.
Before your competition does.
Here’s what to do now…
No matter what, you definitely want to go here to see the free excerpt from the course where I show you how I come up with big ideas.
It’s also where you will get the link to find out more about the course itself, and get your hands on the videos, promotion breakdowns and more IMMEDIATELY.