Want prospects to devour your copy?

Copy written by the legendary Jim Rutz was like popcorn. So buttery, salty and delicious that if you just take one taste, before you know it you’ve consumed it all. It didn’t just keep your interest – it made you hungry for more. One day I asked him what his secret was. How did he use to keep the reader devouring his words? I [...]

2021-02-11T13:51:25-05:00Categories: Articles, Copywriting|Tags: |2 Comments

To sell more…get off your heels

I first met John Carlton a few decades ago, when I was invited to be on the faculty of Gary Halbert’s infamous seminars in Key West. The sessions invariably culminated in nocturnal revelries through the streets – and, most importantly, the bars – of Key West. I learned a lot from the legendary Gary Halbert. But I may well have learned even more from [...]

2021-01-29T11:33:45-05:00Categories: Articles|Tags: |Comments Off on To sell more…get off your heels

Fastest road to copy success

I’ve probably read a hundred books on copywriting. And taken dozens of courses on copywriting, persuasion, and anything else I thought could improve my writing. But you know what's the one thing that has helped me the most by far? Talking to, getting coached by, and having my copy reviewed (a nice way to say “torn apart”) by great writers. Like Rutz. Carlton. Halbert. [...]

2020-11-30T11:14:32-05:00Categories: Articles, Copywriting|Tags: |Comments Off on Fastest road to copy success

What’s the big idea?

Ever have trouble coming up with an idea... ...for anything from a headline to a great report title? I used to. Then I studied how to systematically come up with ideas and it changed my writing and my life. I'll show you how you can do it, too, in this FREE video sample lesson from my new course, A-List Copywriting Secrets. You'll discover... How to [...]

2020-11-12T13:43:20-05:00Categories: Articles, Copywriting|Tags: |Comments Off on What’s the big idea?

How to Fix Flat Copy — Part 2

I got a ton of great feedback from my post about making copy more 3-dimensional. One reader even said they were going to print it out and pin it to their wall! (That made my day.) So I wanted to do a short follow-up and tell you about a quick and easy way to instantly add two dimensions at once to your copy: emotion [...]

2020-11-23T12:08:54-05:00Categories: Articles, Blog, Copywriting|Tags: |Comments Off on How to Fix Flat Copy — Part 2

Copy & Design: What’s Working Now

How do you communicate with prospects and customers in times like these? How do you write and design your communications to strike the right tone AND get maximum results? I recently did a presentation with Lori Haller, a top direct response designer and strategist, on what’s working in copy and design right now. I’m sure you realize how important it is, in these anxious, [...]

2020-06-16T16:16:16-04:00Categories: Articles|Tags: |Comments Off on Copy & Design: What’s Working Now

Ray Edwards is unfair

When it comes to getting people to agree to an interview and prying their best secrets out of them, Ray Edwards has an unfair advantage. He’s one of the nicest, friendliest, most down-home guys in the business. So naturally I agreed to an interview. And naturally, he was able to pry out of me my NINE secrets of succeeding as a copywriter in today’s [...]

2020-04-10T14:49:36-04:00Categories: Articles, Copywriting|Tags: , |Comments Off on Ray Edwards is unfair

How to Be Smarter…Instantly

The most interesting and most successful people I know are smart. The best writers I know are frighteningly smart. So being smarter and raising my IQ has long been a goal of mine. Some say you’re stuck with the neural cards you’ve been dealt. But I’m convinced that intelligence can be increased and IQ raised. Increasingly, researchers are, too. Here are some ways to [...]

Unleashing Your Unlimited Potential

  Moshe Feldenkrais was a groundbreaking teacher of human potential and  mind-body development. Moshe Feldenkrais – Credit: H. Czelczok His revolutionary system of mind and body “re-education” for stressed and dysfunctional brains and bodies has achieved miraculous results for thousands around the world. He has some fascinating insights for anyone interested in achieving all they’re capable of. He says that there is [...]

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