Please Read This First

Hey, thanks for stopping by and checking out my blog. Whether you came by link or by search… …whether you’re a current or aspiring copywriter, marketer, entrepreneur, creative thinker, or none of the above… …I’m darned glad you’re here. My goal is to provide you with all sorts of great info and insights on persuasion … creativity … copywriting … marketing … direct response [...]

2022-08-15T14:53:09-04:00Categories: Blog, Updates|32 Comments

Dramatically Improve Your Copywriting—without Writing a Word

Copywriting is about being persuasive. So if you want to get better at copywriting, practice being persuasive. In person as well as in print. Practice convincing your friends, family and business associates to try a particular food, accompany you somewhere, watch a certain show, or just to do “A” rather than “B”. Notice what works.  Notice what doesn’t.  How do you deal with objections? How do you [...]

2018-09-18T13:31:34-04:00Categories: Copywriting, Marketing, Updates|14 Comments

Unleashing Your Unlimited Potential

  Moshe Feldenkrais was a groundbreaking teacher of human potential and  mind-body development. Moshe Feldenkrais – Credit: H. Czelczok His revolutionary system of mind and body “re-education” for stressed and dysfunctional brains and bodies has achieved miraculous results for thousands around the world. He has some fascinating insights for anyone interested in achieving all they’re capable of. He says that there is [...]

The Illusion of Talent

Inborn talent is finally being exposed as an illusion. The good news now is that anyone acquire talent. The bad news is, it takes some effort. And it has to be the right kind of effort. Books like Talent Is Overrated, The Talent Code, Bounce and Outliers all agree that what really matters is the amount and quality of your practice. More practice is [...]

Eben Pagan interviews David Deutsch

Join 8-figure a year Internet Entrepreneur Eben Pagan as he conducts a master teleclass with David Deutsch.

2018-09-18T13:45:30-04:00Categories: Audios, Cool Free Stuff, Copywriting, Interviews, Marketing, Updates|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Eben Pagan interviews David Deutsch

Doberman Dan Interviews David Deutsch

Video interview by "Doberman" Dan Gallapoo and David Deutsch live at John Carlton's Action Seminar Dan is a direct response entrepreneur, copywriter and consultant with a specialty in what he affectionately call the “muscle-head” market – bodybuilders. Dan's work has appeared in MuscleMag International, Flex, Muscle & Fitness, Penthouse, Men’s Edge, IronMan, Muscular Development, Reps!, Exercise For Men Only, Natural Bodybuilding & Fitness, The National Enquirer, [...]

2018-09-18T13:57:24-04:00Categories: Audios, Cool Free Stuff, Copywriting, Creativity, Interviews, Marketing, Updates, Videos|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Doberman Dan Interviews David Deutsch
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