Dramatically Improve Your Copywriting—without Writing a Word

Copywriting is about being persuasive. So if you want to get better at copywriting, practice being persuasive. In person as well as in print. Practice convincing your friends, family and business associates to try a particular food, accompany you somewhere, watch a certain show, or just to do “A” rather than “B”. Notice what works.  Notice what doesn’t.  How do you deal with objections? How do you [...]

2018-09-18T13:31:34-04:00Categories: Copywriting, Marketing, Updates|14 Comments

How to Be Smarter…Instantly

The most interesting and most successful people I know are smart. The best writers I know are frighteningly smart. So being smarter and raising my IQ has long been a goal of mine. Some say you’re stuck with the neural cards you’ve been dealt. But I’m convinced that intelligence can be increased and IQ raised. Increasingly, researchers are, too. Here are some ways to [...]

Unleashing Your Unlimited Potential

  Moshe Feldenkrais was a groundbreaking teacher of human potential and  mind-body development. Moshe Feldenkrais – Credit: H. Czelczok His revolutionary system of mind and body “re-education” for stressed and dysfunctional brains and bodies has achieved miraculous results for thousands around the world. He has some fascinating insights for anyone interested in achieving all they’re capable of. He says that there is [...]

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